You entered physical life on earth to TRANSMUTE energy.
What does this even mean?
You came from the UNLIMITED, then chose to allow yourself to be brainwashed into LIMITED thinking in this physical environment… all in order to become UNLIMITED again.
Through transmuting energy.
From FEAR to LOVE.
And so forth.
We don’t transmute energy all at once, rather a thought at a time.
For example, when I used to drive, I’d catch myself thinking about what could go wrong.
I used to flash a scene of something terrible happening in my mind.
It stemmed from a childhood belief that the world was not a safe place. I grew up with the news blasting terrible news from the moment of waking up.
This formed a belief that carried through to my adult years, so I often lived with fear.
If you notice the negative feeling, this is very useful.
It's like noticing where the weeds are so you can pull them out and plant seeds.
Instead of freaking out, I realised it was my opportunity to TRANSMUTE energy.
I did this by following Abraham Hick’s process of asking myself:
I know what I don’t want. What is it that I do want?
“I have a smooth and seamless drive. I’m a phenomenal driver and I’m surrounded by thoughtful drivers.”
Now I enjoy my drives.
You can follow this same process to transmute energy.
When I catch myself worrying, I recognised the discordant feeling and before it has a chance to grow, I repeat over and over, “The Universe is always looking after me”.
I then follow any inspired actions to take.
You can also follow this visualisation process.
My daughter is about to embark on a student exchange to France.
I notice I have a heap of worries about her journey which makes me feel unease.
I lay on my bed, close my eyes and imagine a million angels, including my grandma accompanying her on her journey.
I repeat this scene in my mind over and over again till I have impressed it on my mind
I now feel more ease.
This improved feeling indicates I have transmuted energy.
Every time the thoughts crop up again, replay the same scene. This weakens its grip over you.
Don’t be afraid of your own negative feelings.
They are opportunities to TRANSFORM. Your life is the mirror reflection of the energy you hold, so this is valuable to do.
This is how your return to the UNLIMITED, a thought at a time.
Also remember to download my free guide as it helps transmute energy.
Where are the areas of your life where you can transmute energy?