We are an interesting species.
We hold fervently on our limiting beliefs and we FEED them:
Our fears…
Our worries…
Our doubts...
Our limited abilities.
Our lack of resources…
Our lack of money…
Being too young…
Being too old…
What other people think…
Our lack of confidence…
Our lack of experience…
And so forth…
We keep ALIVE what ought to be DEAD through our active thoughts about them. We guard and protect these thoughts.
The interesting thing is, the very things we ought to keep alive we BURY.
We kill them with DISBELIEF.
We gain a glimmer of hope and then squash it with thoughts:
“It must have been an illusion, a mirage. Don’t go any further. It’s not safe.
Don’t go further. It’s not familiar.
Don’t go further. You are kidding yourself.
Don’t go further. You will end up in the same place.
Look at the evidence of your life.
This is ALL there IS.”
Yet understand this. The limiting beliefs are NOT set in stone. They are only HABITS of thought.
According to Neville Goddard, “We are creatures of habit and habit renders us totally blind to what otherwise we should see; but habit is not law. It acts as though it is the most compelling force in the world, yet it is not law.”
We only believe in the evidence because this is what we attracted by the limited thought in the first place.
We can attract POSITIVE evidence too.
We have the ability to turn THOUGHTS that are FOR our dreams into habit.
We can begin by withdrawing each day for 15 minutes into the invisible world and feel the GREATER US WITHIN.
We can allow our dreams to breathe by silencing the limited mind of habit and allow these baby dreams to ‘breathe’.
We can breathe fresh life into these dreams through the use of our imagination. We resurrect the dead.
And once we have this foundation, we can have the courage to act through baby steps.
Remember, the Universe is ALWAYS ROOTING FOR YOU.
Practised consistently, a multitude of desires can flow into your experience. Do this and watch what happens.