How do you create more MAGIC in your life?
Last night I was wide awake, so I conversed with parallel versions of me.
Yes parallel versions of me. You can do this too.
I had learnt about Burt Goldman - a man who had studied metaphysics for decades and tapped into Quantum Jumping.
Instead of struggling to manifest things, he used the power of IMAGINATION to visit parallel versions of himself ALREADY existing and already successful in their given field.
Remember how I said every possibly version of you with every possible variation ALREADY exists in this Universe as a parallel life?Well he tapped into the successful versions of him and spoke to them.
He never really sang before, so in his nervousness he visited a version of him that was a fantastic singer, stepped into that being and returned discovering he could sing amazingly.
He knew nothing about photography so he went to the accomplished photographer version of himself to get tips. Six months later his photographs were in a photographer’s exhibition.
He knew nothing about art so he visited the successful artist version of himself.He eventually created art selling for thousands of dollars.
He repeated this in many areas of his life, from being a speaker to being a published author... you name it.
Was it really Quantum Leaping? Or was it just imagination?He said what did it matter? All he knew was that it worked.After these imaginary visits, he returned with confidence in giving these new skills a go.
I found this fascinating so I visited a range of Anna’s while wide awake in bed.
I asked the accomplished chef Anna to give me tips on making a great croquembouche.
I visited Anna who was a great metaphysical teacher. She gave me tips for accomplishing my vision.
I visited world traveller Anna. She showed me her wondrous life and how to live it.
I visited super wealthy Anna - she gave me guidance.
I asked super happy successful Anna what her secret was.
She gave me a whole message that I felt I compelled to get out of bed and write the message down. I was pondering how at Christmas time, we often find the magic in the air.We get excited with the Christmas decorations and the atmosphere.This is what Anna said to me, “The magic is not in the outside world. That’s the reflection which you can appreciate.
The magic is in your INSIDE world. It’s the playing field of energy… This is where you can mold your past and your future… Where you can tap into parallel lives and create the fantastical… Where there are no limits because you are INFINITE.
This is the playground where the MAGIC is created. This is where you give birth to dreams and new creations.
Stop looking at what IS and start creating what you prefer from inside. Most people complain of a dull life, yet don’t realise all the energy, the resources are available inside of them.LISTEN to your inner-being.CONNECT with the powers of the Universe.ACT on the inspiration.
Don’t settle in life. Create the NEW with your thoughts. Create through VIBRATION.”
"When you find a VIBRATIONAL improvement, you will LIVE a vibrational improvement." - Abraham Hicks
So my little Christmas message is this.Don’t search for magic outside of you - find it WITHIN you.
There’s a whole world that’s thriving, expanding and waiting for you which exists in a deeper dimension within your being.
That's how you create MAGIC in your life.