At the start of every year, I set a POWERFUL intention to the greater universe, “This is the BEST year of my life.”
The Universe says to me, “If you want the BEST year, you start by looking for the BEST in EVERYTHING life has to offer.”
Look for the BEST in people
Look for the BEST aspects of your life.
Look for the BEST things about the world.
The Universe explained it to me this way.
Imagine a giant vortex of ENERGY.
It is your VIBRATIONAL warehouse.
Every setback you experience launches the opposite into this warehouse - more money, health, improved conditions, improved relationships - you name it.
It’s the Universe’s job to provide it.
However it’s YOUR job to ALLOW it into physical life.
Imagine a channel or tunnel which feeds the contents of this vortex into your physical life.
This invisible tunnel only opens up at a HIGHER frequency.
It’s not visible when you are in lower frequencies of complaining, worry, fear, anxiety, guilt, shame, etc…
In fact, when you’re in the lower frequencies you will often think this tunnel doesn’t exist. Where is it? I don’t see it. You think the vortex is some crazy fantasy.
To have the best year, your job is to RAISE your vibration.
Your job is to keep energy LIGHT.
Keep your thoughts LIGHT. You can feel when they are dense, or heavy.
Feel for the vibrational reality in your vortex, not the current physical reality.
Delegate your problems to the Universe.
Tune into one good thing in your life when the rest is going wrong.
Let go.
Have more fun.
As you build momentum with this lighter energy, the ‘invisible’ tunnel will open up and the contents in your vortex will find its way to you.
One of the great tools I've been using to reach higher frequencies and create the best year is PARALLEL LIVES.
Remember ALL possibilities exist right now which means there are different versions of you ALREADY successful in infinite fields.
Through visualisation, you can connect to these different versions.
You can converse with them and ask them to help you.
E.g, When I’m nervous driving on the road, I call on the ‘Fast and the Furious’ expert phenomenal driver version of Anna to help me drive. Immediately I feel a sense of focus and confidence on the road.
When I am cooking something challenging like a croquembouche, I call on a Michelin chef Anna. I picture her next to me and ask her for the next step. She answers. She tells me to keep the bench tidy. She tells me to do things I wouldn’t normally do.
I have a world traveller Anna, a fit and healthy Anna, a professor Anna with a PhD in Metaphysics, etc… Sometimes I have a party with all of them in my mind.
Go ahead… imagine them when you visualise, speak with them.Ask them questions. Listen for an answer.
Then as you go about your daily lives, INVITE them in.
As you do what they do, think as they think, breathe as they breathe - little by little you BECOME them.
It's just like what Burt Goldman teaches in Quantum Jumping - TAP into versions of you that ALREADY exist. You might as well let them help you create your best year.
Bashar once told a lady she could greatly improve her life by tuning into the successful parallel version of her and imitating her.
“When will you start mimicking her in thought, word, deed, behaviour, every nuance that you see, everything?
Do you see her body language? Do you see her attitude?
Do you see her joy? Do you see her peace? Do you feel it?
When you feel that joy, that’s her state of being all the time, so all you have to do to experience that state of being all the time is be her and do whatever she would do HER way.
Even if she’s just going shopping, do it her way.
Driving your car – do it her way.
Talking to people – do it her way.
Watching TV – do it her way.
Then you will BE her.
Then when you do it her way, you will HAVE her life.
It’s that simple.”
Have fun with this!
Here’s to the BEST YEAR in 2025.
Anna xx