Do you know that life is an ILLUSION, but our experience of it is REAL?
When a teenager decides to play a virtual reality game, that teenager is stepping into an illusion. However, even though it is an illusion, the emotional experience of it is REAL.
The satisfaction and thrill are real.
The highs and lows are real.
The experience of overcoming challenges is real.
In the same way, our inner-being had intentions of a thrilling adventure through this virtual reality experience (life in a physical realm).
Somewhere along the line we got so caught up in the illusion, mistaking it for REALITY and dismissing the invisible (the soul journey) for the illusion.
This is why I often remind myself, “Anna, life is an ILLUSION - a grand illusion. Have fun with it.”
There’s another reason why I often start my day remembering it is an illusion.
When you think something is a fixed solid reality, there is very little room for movement.
“This is a difficult situation.”
“I’m in a dead end.”
“I’m stuck and can’t change the situation I’m facing.”
Well it’s true, you can’t change THAT version of reality. However, you can choose ANOTHER version of reality.
You do this by creating the version of life you prefer in your mind.
The very fact that you can THINK it means it already exists as a parallel reality in the universe.
This changes your trajectory.
You may not see an instant change, but little synchronicities will start showing up, like the right opportunities open up, bumping into the right people and so forth.
This is because your change of frequency portals you to a parallel version of your life.
It is all seamless so you don’t even know it.
Then you will look back and thank the Universe for that problem because it led you here.
So I start my day saying to myself, “Life is an illusion. Therefore I give myself permission to disregard reality for a moment. I give myself permission to imagine and tell myself the most exciting, grand, fun adventure.”
Remember, the Universe is responding to your THOUGHTS, NOT your reality.
When life is an ILLUSION, you can change the story.
When it’s a fixed reality - it’s very hard to change it.
The difference is PERCEPTION.
You are not locked into a reality.
You are free to move. You just don’t know it yet.
Life is an ILLUSION... But our EXPERIENCE of it is REAL.