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Anna Garcia
3 min read
You’re either a SPECTATOR or movie DIRECTOR of your own life.
Now you might say, “But Anna I don’t control my life. Other people, circumstances, organisations, the government, etc… control my life! I...

Anna Garcia
3 min read
Create from your INFINITE being, not your human self.
Create your 2024 life from your INFINITE being, not your human self. "How can I create 'X,Y,Z' for 2024?" A lady asked me this as she...

Anna Garcia
4 min read
Sneaky THOUGHTS which BLOCK money.
Do you know we all have SNEAKY thoughts which BLOCK money which we may not even be aware of? I know you don't believe me... however the...

Anna Garcia
2 min read
Feeling STUCK? You may have SPLIT energy.
Do you have SPLIT energy? Are you tuned into two DIFFERENT frequencies? "I don't know. How am I supposed to know Anna?" Let me expand on...

Anna Garcia
2 min read
There's ALWAYS a greater version of you.
How do you handle adversity? I don’t know anyone who likes adversity, or problems. It's our automatic reaction to think problems are bad...

Anna Garcia
3 min read
Is WEALTH and POVERTY born in the MIND?
"I want to be wealthy, but no matter how hard I try, it's just not happening!" Sound familiar? This was pretty much me. I literally...
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