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Anna Garcia
3 min read
The MAGIC is in your INSIDE world.
How do you create more MAGIC in your life? Burt Goldman - a man who had studied metaphysics for decades and tapped into Quantum Jumping

Anna Garcia
3 min read
Create from your INFINITE being, not your human self.
Create your 2024 life from your INFINITE being, not your human self. "How can I create 'X,Y,Z' for 2024?" A lady asked me this as she...

Anna Garcia
2 min read
The Meaning of Life is to Give It Meaning.
Do you know all things in life are neutral? You’re the one who gives it meaning. Yesterday, I had a very close situation. Fortunately it...

Anna Garcia
3 min read
Why can't the world be perfect?
Have you ever thought, "Why can't the world just be perfect? Then I can have an easy life"? I know I have. No doubt it is much easier to...

Anna Garcia
3 min read
How to break the cycle of being STUCK.
Do you ever feel like your life is Groundhog Day? No matter what you do, life is just a REPEAT of the same old stuff. This was my life...

Anna Garcia
2 min read
FREE yourself from other people's opinions - it's time to live YOUR life.
“Don’t take anything personally. It’s never about you… it’s always about them.” I once heard Abraham Hicks say this. When I was young, I...

Anna Garcia
1 min read
Got a problem? COMMAND it to work FOR you.
Sometimes we can feel so vulnerable to outside forces. But you are NOT a leaf blown about by the wind.
Stake your claim to your divinity.
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