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Anna Garcia
3 min read
The MAGIC is in your INSIDE world.
How do you create more MAGIC in your life? Burt Goldman - a man who had studied metaphysics for decades and tapped into Quantum Jumping

Anna Garcia
3 min read
You’re either a SPECTATOR or movie DIRECTOR of your own life.
Now you might say, “But Anna I don’t control my life. Other people, circumstances, organisations, the government, etc… control my life! I...

Anna Garcia
3 min read
Create from your INFINITE being, not your human self.
Create your 2024 life from your INFINITE being, not your human self. "How can I create 'X,Y,Z' for 2024?" A lady asked me this as she...

Anna Garcia
2 min read
Do we come down from heaven to join a PHYSICAL body?
Do we come down from heaven to join a PHYSICAL body? Growing up in I always had this idea that we came from Spirit, then descended and...

Anna Garcia
2 min read
LEVERAGE the POWER of the Universe in 2023
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Welcome to 2023. Let's intend it will be the BEST year of our lives. Do you LEVERAGE the POWER of the UNIVERSE? "What...

Anna Garcia
3 min read
Do things go wrong, so things can go right?
We've all been through it. We plan for something to go right and it goes terribly wrong. We sit there wondering, how the hell did this...

Anna Garcia
2 min read
This simple step will CHANGE your point of ATTRACTION.
Looking at UNWANTED things is the start of DIS-EASE. I get it. When we get up in the morning, it is so much easier to remember and point...

Anna Garcia
3 min read
Why can't the world be perfect?
Have you ever thought, "Why can't the world just be perfect? Then I can have an easy life"? I know I have. No doubt it is much easier to...

Anna Garcia
3 min read
How to break the cycle of being STUCK.
Do you ever feel like your life is Groundhog Day? No matter what you do, life is just a REPEAT of the same old stuff. This was my life...

Anna Garcia
2 min read
NO ONE can replace you
Do you have moments when you feel TRIUMPHANT? And moments you feel INSIGNIFICANT? I know I have. When you feel INSIGNIFICANT it’s likely...

Anna Garcia
2 min read
Your INSIDE world dictates your OUTSIDE world
Did you know your INSIDE world dictates your outside world? But how much time do you spend tending to your inner world? If you are like...

Anna Garcia
2 min read
Are you gripped in FEAR?
I get it. Fear is something everyone experiences.
During these COVID times it is quite rampant to feel vulnerable to outside forces.
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