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Anna Garcia
2 min read
At the root of ALL limitation is lack of SELF-LOVE.
You are LOVED. Do you know at the root of all limitation is lack of self-appreciation? It is a lack of SELF-LOVE. When we don’t know we...

Anna Garcia
2 min read
Why do we keep ALIVE what ought to be DEAD and allow to DIE what ought to be ALIVE?
We are an interesting species. We hold fervently on our limiting beliefs and we FEED them: Our fears… Our worries… Our doubts... Our...

Anna Garcia
2 min read
This simple step will CHANGE your point of ATTRACTION.
Looking at UNWANTED things is the start of DIS-EASE. I get it. When we get up in the morning, it is so much easier to remember and point...

Anna Garcia
3 min read
How to break the cycle of being STUCK.
Do you ever feel like your life is Groundhog Day? No matter what you do, life is just a REPEAT of the same old stuff. This was my life...

Anna Garcia
2 min read
FREE yourself from other people's opinions - it's time to live YOUR life.
“Don’t take anything personally. It’s never about you… it’s always about them.” I once heard Abraham Hicks say this. When I was young, I...

Anna Garcia
1 min read
Are YOU in agreement with YOU?
'If only this person would agree with me, then I'd feel better!'
This is a misconception. To find happiness we just need to agree with us.
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