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Anna Garcia
3 min read
Build an EMPIRE in your MIND
The world is a projection of your CONSCIOUSNESS. It’s your THOUGHTS which create, so the outside is a REFLECTION of what’s inside you.

Anna Garcia
3 min read
The MAGIC is in your INSIDE world.
How do you create more MAGIC in your life? Burt Goldman - a man who had studied metaphysics for decades and tapped into Quantum Jumping

Anna Garcia
2 min read
Change Your Self-Talk
Is it time to change your self-talk?
What are your conversations with yourself like? My words attacked myself, so I developed a disease.

Anna Garcia
2 min read
You came to TRANSMUTE energy.
You are INFINITE. You came from the UNLIMITED, then chose to allow yourself to be brainwashed into LIMITED thinking... to become UNLIMITED.

Anna Garcia
3 min read
You’re either a SPECTATOR or movie DIRECTOR of your own life.
Now you might say, “But Anna I don’t control my life. Other people, circumstances, organisations, the government, etc… control my life! I...

Anna Garcia
3 min read
Create from your INFINITE being, not your human self.
Create your 2024 life from your INFINITE being, not your human self. "How can I create 'X,Y,Z' for 2024?" A lady asked me this as she...

Anna Garcia
2 min read
Do we come down from heaven to join a PHYSICAL body?
Do we come down from heaven to join a PHYSICAL body? Growing up in I always had this idea that we came from Spirit, then descended and...

Anna Garcia
3 min read
TUNE into the GREATER you which already exists.
Allow yourself to TUNE into the GREATER you. Do you remember watching TV in the 80s or earlier? If you didn't grow up in this era, there...

Scott Sanders
3 min read
Guest post by Scott Sanders Want to raise your VIBRATION for well-being and vitality? Life can be stressful and overwhelming, so it is...

Anna Garcia
2 min read
There's ALWAYS a GREATER version of your life.
Do you know if you didn’t keep launching a NEW improvement in your life, you'd never feel any negative feelings? It's not the “bad”...

Anna Garcia
2 min read
Stop BLOCKING your creation.
“Anna - I want to manifest this…” But what does it mean to MANIFEST? When it comes to manifesting, you are NOT creating something. It has...

Anna Garcia
2 min read
Feeling STUCK? You may have SPLIT energy.
Do you have SPLIT energy? Are you tuned into two DIFFERENT frequencies? "I don't know. How am I supposed to know Anna?" Let me expand on...

Anna Garcia
2 min read
LEVERAGE the POWER of the Universe in 2023
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Welcome to 2023. Let's intend it will be the BEST year of our lives. Do you LEVERAGE the POWER of the UNIVERSE? "What...

Anna Garcia
2 min read
“I REALLY REALLY want this thing that I’ve wanted for years…” Years ago I was walking down the street doing what I always did. I was...

Anna Garcia
2 min read
What if your backward step is a FORWARD step?
“Sometimes I feel like my life is a mess. It doesn’t look like it’s working out.” Do you relate? I know I have felt that before. However,...

Anna Garcia
2 min read
There's ALWAYS a greater version of you.
How do you handle adversity? I don’t know anyone who likes adversity, or problems. It's our automatic reaction to think problems are bad...

Anna Garcia
2 min read
The Universe is IN you.
What's your image of the Universe? When I was younger, I used to think God or the Universe was someone outside us. You know... an old...

Anna Garcia
3 min read
What is the DIVINE URGE?
Have you ever had the DESIRE to do something out of the blue ? It could be to go to a place, to ring someone, to rearrange the furniture…...

Anna Garcia
2 min read
Your playing SMALL does not serve the world.
Have you ever been told you are shining TOO bright? When I was younger I constantly received this message. “Make yourself small." "Be...

Anna Garcia
2 min read
Human EFFORT vs LEVERAGE from the Universe
There are two ways to CREATE. 1. You can rely on your mere human effort. or 2. You can leverage the power of the Universe. With the...
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